InPython in Plain EnglishbyOleh DavymukaUnderstanding Client-Server Architecture: What Exactly Happens When You Enter a URL Into Your…Understanding the client-server architecture and browser request journey includes various steps, from DNS resolution to rendering the page.Feb 28, 2024Feb 28, 2024
InPython in Plain EnglishbyOleh DavymukaREST, Webhooks, GraphQL, gRPC, and others: Choosing the Perfect API Architecture for Your…Explore different API architectures, such as REST, Webhooks, GraphQL, gRPC, and others, to help you choose the right one for your project.May 21, 2023May 21, 2023
InPython in Plain EnglishbyOleh DavymukaModel-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern in Python: A Beginner’s GuideLearn about the basics of the MVC pattern, understand why it should be used, explore its workflow, and discover simple examples.Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
InPython in Plain EnglishbyOleh DavymukaHexagonal Architecture: A Basic Guide on Why it’s Better than MVC or Clean ArchitectureLearn about Hexagonal Architecture, or Ports and Adapters — an approach in software development to create robust and adaptable systems.Jun 17, 2023Jun 17, 2023
InStackademicbyOleh DavymukaREST vs. GraphQL: Choosing the Right Tool for Your API NeedsLearn about the differences between REST and GraphQL, along with their respective strengths and weaknesses.Aug 11, 2023Aug 11, 2023
InPython in Plain EnglishbyOleh DavymukaREST: A Quick Guide to Building Scalable and Flexible Systems Using HTTPWe will discuss the characteristics of a RESTful system, HTTP methods used to interact with resources, and HTTP status codes of the…May 4, 2023May 4, 2023